Aspect Details
Author The Apostle Paul
Date Written Approximately A.D. 53-55
Location of Writing Paul wrote 1 Corinthians from Ephesus during his third missionary journey.
Recipients The Christian church in Corinth, which Paul had previously founded during his second missionary journey (around A.D. 50-52).
City of Corinth
  • A major port city in ancient Greece, known for its wealth and luxury.
  • Notorious for its immorality and pagan practices.
  • Home to the temple of Aphrodite, which was associated with ritual prostitution.
Purpose of the Letter
  • To address various issues and conflicts within the church, including divisions, immorality, and questions about Christian practices.
  • To provide guidance on marriage, spiritual gifts, the resurrection, and orderly worship.
  • To respond to a letter Paul had received from the Corinthians asking for advice on specific problems they were facing.
Key Themes
  • Unity within the Church
  • Christian Liberty and Responsibility
  • Sexual Morality
  • Order in Worship
  • The Resurrection of the Dead
Cultural Context
  • Corinthian society was deeply influenced by Greek philosophy and culture.
  • The city had a diverse population, including Greeks, Romans, and Jews.
  • The immorality of the city posed a challenge for the new Christian converts in maintaining their faith and living according to Christian principles.
Significant Issues Addressed
  • Division within the church (1 Corinthians 1-4)
  • Immorality and church discipline (1 Corinthians 5)
  • Litigation among believers (1 Corinthians 6)
  • Marriage and singleness (1 Corinthians 7)
  • Food offered to idols (1 Corinthians 8-10)
  • Proper conduct in worship (1 Corinthians 11-14)
  • The resurrection of the dead (1 Corinthians 15)

Chapter Title Summary
1 Introduction and Greetings Paul greets the Corinthians and expresses gratitude for their faith.
2 Christ Crucified Is God's Power and Wisdom Paul explains how the message of Christ's crucifixion may seem foolish to some but is the power of God to believers.
3 Divisions in the Church Paul addresses the issue of divisions within the church and calls for unity.
4 The Ministry of Apostles Paul describes the role and humility of apostles in serving God.
5 Dealing with Sexual Immorality Paul rebukes the church for tolerating gross sexual immorality and instructs them to expel the wrongdoer.
6 Lawsuits Among Believers Paul condemns lawsuits between believers and calls for purity in sexual matters.
7 Instructions on Marriage Paul provides guidance on marriage, celibacy, and the relationships between husbands and wives.
8 Food Sacrificed to Idols Paul discusses the issue of eating food sacrificed to idols and urges believers to consider the conscience of others.
9 The Rights of an Apostle Paul defends his apostleship and explains his rights and sacrifices for the gospel.
10 Warnings From Israel’s History Paul warns against idolatry and immorality by referencing the history of Israel.
11 Propriety in Worship Paul discusses proper conduct during worship, including head coverings and the Lord's Supper.
12 Spiritual Gifts Paul describes the various spiritual gifts and emphasizes their purpose in building up the church.
13 The Way of Love Paul explains the supremacy of love over all spiritual gifts.
14 Orderly Worship Paul gives instructions for orderly and edifying worship practices, especially regarding prophecy and speaking in tongues.
15 The Resurrection of Christ Paul affirms the reality of Christ's resurrection and its significance for believers' future resurrection.
16 Final Instructions and Greetings Paul gives final instructions on collections for the saints, personal plans, and closes with greetings and a benediction.